Innovations that the world is talking about
Play Matters
According to researches play can break through to saturated audiences. This is not just for kids and this is a good tool for our brains. Play leads to happier employees. Happier employees lead to happier consumers. Many companies are investing in creating spaces inside the office where employees can play and open your creativity or just relax. People are also spending more in games, and this will increase 10% from 2017 to 2021. Besides that, the changes in the politics, environment, technology and more are making people anxious and the escapism is a good choice for playing more. Don’t be shy to come inside this market of play, it’s full of opportunities.
Source: Trendwatching.
Build Narrative Experiences
Stories must contain experience and represent the identity of the storyteller. Designing narratives with greater audience participation can help build brand memory spaces and strengthen business. The relevance of this subject is centred on the human reality, where things changes so fast and everything is fluid and liquid. Create a narrative with strong elements, icons and experience helps to embrace the brand identity. This is an important tool if you want to bring authenticity and boldness to a brand. The coolness lives inside your uniqueness and can be constructed by immersive experiences.
Source: Trendsobserver
Tech Retail Opportunities
The retail world is being more automated and offline-to-online a massive opportunity for tech developers and business. The shopper journey is reshaping into a more full, technological and engaging experience. Words as a-commerce, deep retail and magic point of sale will be as common as buy bread, to increase the experience with brands and products.
The a-commerce are related to automated stores that will track all the journey from discovery to delivery. In this reality algorithms, automation and smart devices will help, not just customers but, companies to delivery needs and settle expectation on demand. Deed retail is nothing more than know customers more than they know themselves. It’s a propulsion for simplify personalization and be relevant 100%, 24 hour a day, 365 days of the year.
The wow moment of sale can be translated in the magic point of sale. It is a place capable to engage and centralize all shop experience, from test to purchase, but in innovative ways. It’s using devices to build a totally shoppable physical environment.
Source: Trendwatching
From Robotos to AI
The biggest dilemma in this area today is concerned to the self-education for machines. Specialists are running to help machines sense and perceive the world around them. Besides some very impressive skills the market is claiming for a more “intelligent” than “artificial” AI. The main debate in this area involves “training” computers performance based on examples, rather than programming by human. However, AI have reasons for cautions, because its algorithms can for example amplify societal biases around races or gander. Significant advances have been made to construct not just smarter machines but also a technology capable to interact safer and ethic with humans. So, we invite your attention in AI even if you don’t intent to use it in your business. We recommend keeping your eyes opened for the future in this area.
Source: Wired